Wave wifi Rogue Quick Start Manual Download Page 2




subsequent scans, the bottom of the list may   

change frequently due to the signal strength of 

the weaker access points. 

To connect to a HotSpot, click on the HotSpot 

name (SSID). The Rogue will then attempt to 

negotiate a connection with the remote HotSpot. 

During this process the screen will show “connect-

ing”. Do not click on anything until this process is 

completed. When the HotSpot is able to provide 

an IP address to the EC unit, the red “NO” for the IP 

address will change to a green “YES”.  

Connecting to the Rogue Wave

Connect the Rogue’s POE adapter

to your computer’s Ethernet port. After several 

seconds your computer should receive an IP 

address from the Rogue (a Windows computer will 

generally show the message icon “Connected” at 

the botto m of the screen).

Open your browser and type: 

IP address:

 into the address bar 

and press “enter”. The Network Scan page will then 


Scanning for HotSpot Networks

If necessary you can refresh the network list by 

clicking the “Scan” button. 

The list of wireless networks (HotSpots) is ordered 

by signal strength: the strongest signals are 

indicated by the color 


. It is likely that 

If the HotSpot to which you are connected 

has Internet access, then “YES” will appear on 

the Internet line.


 Rogue’s Settings

Clicking on the “Settings” tab opens the 

above page. “Disabling EC Firewall” removes 

your protection from access by other 

network users. However, it may be necessary 

to disable this feature to access some 


Clicking “reboot” disconnects the Rogue from 

the current hotspot and also refreshes the 

connection. You may have to reconnect after 

a reboot if the hotspot is not a favorited 


Rogue Quick Start Guide 

  Is the cable run of the Rogue more than 60ft?

  Are you using a coupler?

  Are you using the 12v power adapter provided? 

  The first step in troubleshooting should be to power cycle the unit. 

Meaning to power it off and back on. This should last 

30 secs and should be the Rogue as well as the router it is connected to.

  Check the lights on the POE injector. They should show solid green. If 

the POE lights are blinking call Wave-WiFi (954-928-1310). 

If only the  “DC”  light is on then the Rogue is not receiving power. Check 

all cable connections ensuring they are all snug and not loose or falling 

out. (If the ethernet cable is sliding out of the Rogue unit then check that 

the ethernet port tabs are not damaged). 


Troubleshooting the Rogue

-How to log into splash pages / log in pages


You would need to connect to the marina or grounds WiFi connection 


 not using the rogue and bring up the splash page/Login page.


Fill out the splash page but 



 Open a second tab on the browser.


Disconnect from the WiFi connection and connect to the Rogue unit.


Through the Rogue interface click the WiFi source that you are trying 

to connect to 


switch back to the splash page and 

submit the login information.

This will make it so that the Rogue is submitting the log in information 

and should allow you access onto the network. If not please call Wave 

WiFi for further instructions.  

Favoriting Hotspots

1.) Connect to the network that you want to favorite.

2.) Once connected click the yellow star

3.) To the right click “Add current network to favorites.

4.) Click the ”network scan” tab and you should see

      the         icon next to the network you favorited. 


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