
2800 De La Cruz Bouleva rd, Santa Clara, CA 95050
Te c h n i cal Support: 800.879.8585 • 972.578.1699
w w w. w a t t sto p p e r. com
07216r1 4/2005
During Set House ID, the LED is not flashing on some Wire le ss
d ev i ce s .
• If LED is solid green befo re initiating house ID binding:
The dev i ce already has another house ID. Reset it to the
fa c tory default so that it can be bound to the desired house
ID. Resetting to fa c tory defaults is described in the “I need to
start over” iss u e .
• If LED is solid amber after initiating house ID binding:
The dev i ce may be out of range of the initiating dev i ce. It may
be nece ssary to add a MRR2 Repeater if re ception to a
particular area of the house is blo c ke d .
I need to start ove r.
You can reset any wire le ss dev i ce EXCEPT the MRDS10 to
fa c tory default settings by pre ssing and holding
until the
LED changes to solid amber (approx i m a te ly 10 seco n d s ) .
During the pro ce ss, the LED flashes amber and when
co m p le te, it changes to solid amber. The dev i ce can then be
re co n fig u red, ex a c t ly like any new dev i ce .
I need to set the MRDS10 To u c h s c reen to Fa c tory Defa u l t s
This will erase all binding, scene and labeling info r m a t i o n
f rom the to u c h s c re e n .
1. From the Home Page, pre ss the setup icon
2. P re ss Lock/Reset Setup icon
3. Touch the box next to Reset Display.
4. Touch the YES box next to RESET TO FACTORY DEFA U LT
S E T T I N G S .
5. The to u c h s c reen will reset to Fa c tory Default Settings and
you may pro ceed with “SET HOUSE ID.”
See the instructions on the MRDS10 Setup screen for more
i n fo r m a t i o n .
Record a New House Scene
1 .
To re co rd a new scene you must first select which dev i ce s
you want bound to the scene (re fer to the instruction manual
or the instructions that came with your house level co n t ro l le r
for an explanation).
2 .
To start a binding from the scre e n :
a .
P re ss the scene button that you want and pre ss the bind
i co n .
b .
P l a ce the dev i ces you want to include in the scene in the
learn mode (Dev i ce LED Flashing Amber).
c .
C lose the binding from the screen by pre ssing OK.
d .
To re co rd scene lighting levels, set pre fe r red light leve l s
and then pre ss and hold the re ca l l / re co rd button ico n
until the LED flashes green and the screen beeps
( a p p rox i m a te ly 2 seco n d s ) .
N o te s :
At the house level, all dev i ces are bound by default to scene five
and All House Off. Any dev i ce that you want included in other
s cenes (i.e., 2 through 10 and House On), must be bound to the
s cene befo re they can be co n t ro l led by the scene.
By default your Home Page is set to display house scenes 1 to 3
on the top row and room scenes 1 to 3 on the second row. Fo l low
the instructions on the HOME PAGE BUTTON SETUP to change
h ow your Home Page appears.
You have a choice of having the Default Page (the page that
a p p e a rs after two minutes of inactivity) of being any of the
fo l lowing: a) Home Page, b) House Scenes, c) Room Scenes, or
d ) G roups. Fo l low the instructions on the screen.
To lock your system from the screen fo l low the instructions on the
Lock/Reset Setup button. If you fo rget your pass wo rd ente r
“9999” to enter the SETUP MENU and reset your pass wo rd .
For additional functions go to the second page of the SETUP
s c reen by scrolling fo r w a rd
On the second setup page you will see the options fo r :
• Pa ss wo rd Setup
• Power Save Setup
• Time Setup
• C o n t ra st/Backlight Setup