installed on the Box.
● If the signal quality is insufficient: move the original antenna out of the cabinet; use
an RF extension cord with SMA connector, up to 2 meters, + 1 adhesive support to
hold the antenna.
● If the signal quality is still insufficient: use a high-gain antenna with a maximum of
10 meters of cable; this antenna can, for example, be moved to the outside or to the
other floors to obtain a better signal quality. Please note that, beyond 15 meters of
cable, the GSM signal is significantly weakened.
To connect the Box to the BMS
● Determine the type(s) of network(s) associated with the BMS (communication
protocols between the BMS server and the technical equipment).
● Obtain, if possible, the schematic of the communication network(s) of the BMS.
● Identify where and how the BMS server connects to the building’s network.
2022-05 V1.4