Figure 2
To ensure proper operation, any trapped air will need to be bled
off the valve cover during startup. If your ACV includes a bleed
valve, as shown to the right, use a flat head screwdriver to slowly
open the valve (See Images 5 and 6 to the right and below).
If your valve does not include a bleed valve, bleed air by
loosening a fitting on the valve or a plug, at the highest point of
the valve assembly.
Pressure the line, by opening the upstream isolation valve slowly
(see valve number one in Figure 2 below). Air is vented through
the air bleed valve or loosened fitting. Tighten the fitting when
liquid begins to vent.
Repeat the process until no air is trapped in the system.
Slowly open downstream isolation valve, labeled number 2 in the
Figure 2, to establish flow through the system.
Fine tune the Pressure Reducing Control to the desired
pressure set point by turning the adjustment screw IN, clockwise
to increase or OUT, counterclockwise to decrease downstream
pressure (Shown in Image 7 to the right). When desired pressure
set point is achieved tighten adjusting stem locknut.
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7
4 IOM-A-ACV-910_610 2115
EDP# 1917028
© 2021 Watts