2º Fulfill the general data.
Alerts can be set up
following calendars.
3º Create actions and
For the Siren’s alarm set up,
you need to choose a device
(e.g. DOOR) and add the
Siren as an Action.
Additionally 3 default alarms will be created to get the
SIRENS status information live:
Siren about to ring
Siren ringing
Siren quiet
Once created the alarms with SIREN action, it will ring when the associated device activates.
For example if I put a DOOR alarm with a SIREN action, the SIREN will ring whenever I open the
door/window where the DOOR device has been installed.
You will receive a “Siren is about to ring” notification and the siren will start to ring
intermittently for 20 seconds.
If you do not turn off the SIREN you will receive a “Siren ringing” notification and it will
start to ring for 4 minutes. You can of course turn it off whenever you want from your
smart phone.