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Arming Switch:
This is a safety device. When the flight battery is plugged in, the motor can be turned on only after
pressing this switch once.
Control Horn:
A plastic piece that is secured to the control surfaces. The pushrod wire from the servo inside the
airplane attaches to the control horn, so the control surface can be moved.
The main body of the airplane. All of the main airplane assemblies are attached to the fuselage.
Horizontal Tail:
Provides stability for the airplane during level flight.
Landing Gear:
Comprised of a length of wire and two wheels, the landing gear supports the airplane while on the
The propeller is attached to the front of the motor. When spinning, the propeller creates forward thrust which
pulls the airplane forward.
Vertical Tail:
Provides stability for the airplane during turns.
The wing has a special airfoil shape and provides the main source of lift for the airplane.
The flight battery included with your Cessna 180 EP RTF comes from the factory partially charged.
DO NOT charge the flight battery until after testing the motor.
This will ensure that the flight battery is run
down completely before recharging it. This is important to ensure that the flight battery receives a full charge and
is cycled before your first flight.
Now that you're familiar with your new
Wattage Cessna 180 EP RTF, it's time to
finish the assembly and get flying!