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High Reliability
Sensors For
Heat Treat Market

High temperature heat treating processes require tempera t u r e
a c c u racy and consistency. Wa t l ow provides the most precise
t e m p e rature measurement devices in the industry. With over 
75 ye a r s ’ ex p e rience in manu fa c t u ring specialized heat treating
s e n s o r s, Wa t l ow is ve rtically integrated and manu factures its
own mineral insulated therm o c o u p l e s. The company also
insulates its own wire and controls unifo rmity to insure a highly
a c c u rate and reliable sensor. Wa t l ow complies with the
c a l i b ration requirements of AMS 2750–C specific a t i o n s.

Wa t l ow has full service lab services that include tensile,
v i b ration, micro-hardness, compaction density liquid penetra n t
and ra d i o graphic inspection, along with a staff of qualifie d
engineers to develop a heat solution to meet even the most
challenging, unique requirements.


• C ryo g e n i c

• Q u e n c h i n g

• C a r b o n i z i n g

• High tempera t u r e

• Va c u u m / vacuum bra z i n g

• Salt baths

• Stress reliev i n g

• N i t ri d i n g

• A n n e a l i n g

• H a r d e n i n g

5710 Kenosha Street
Richmond, Illinois 60071  USA
Phone: +1 (815) 678-2211
FAX: +1 (815) 678-3961
e-mail: [email protected]


Features and Benefits

End-to-end calibration
• Reliable batch processing

Material lot control
• Cost savings with reduced scrap

Vertical Integration
• Consistency

NIST traceable
• Accurate temperature measurements

Coil identification
• Cost savings with calibration off-sets

AMS 2750 - C capabilities
• Industry compliance

ISO-9001 compliance
• Complete quality system

Full laboratory testing in house
• Quick material analysis

Pre-aged thermocouples
• High accuracy measurements

Low drift insulations
• Long term measurements

© 2000 Watlow Electric Manufacturing Company

Printed in the USA on Recycled Paper, 15% Postconsumer Waste

ISO 9001 


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