Adjusting the regulator for different voltages of the lithium battery
It is possible to use the WaterWorld motor with a 12 cell serial lithium NMC battery pack. To do this, a setting
in the controller must be changed.
If the plug with the green/black cable is not connected, the system is suitable for standard voltages.
The cut-off voltage, the minimum voltage below which the regulator stops working, is 42 V.
If the green/black cable is connected, the "cut-off" voltage, the minimum voltage below which the
regulator stops working, has been reduced to 37V.
Many lead-acid batteries go up to a load of 37V.
Setting 1
Suitable for: AGM and semi-traction lead-acid batteries, 2x Torqeedo Power 24-3500 batteries in series and
Aces lithium batteries.
Setting 2
Suitable for lower voltages can be used with the Torqeedo Power 48-5000 battery and full-traction batteries.
Also some AGM batteries are suitable for this setting.
If this mode is used improperly, it can lead to irreparable damage to the battery pack.
WaterWorld assumes no responsibility for damage caused by excessive discharge.
Testing and commissioning
To check the operation of the system after installation, please proceed as follows:
Check whether the batteries are sufficiently charged by measuring the voltage at the terminals
of the battery pack with a multimeter. The total voltage should be at least 48 Volts, but around
52 Volts is to be expected. With lithium batteries this can be up to almost 60 Volts.
Before connecting, always check that all batteries have the same voltage, maximum
difference is 0.1 Volt.
Check that the ignition switch on the dashboard is off
Check that the throttle is in the neutral position
Turn the main switch to "on" or I
Turn the ignition switch clockwise to switch the system on, you will hear a clear click of the relay switching
Check if the display is on. In the advanced setting of the display you can also see the voltage, does this
correspond with what you measured?
Gently open the throttle and check if the engine works correctly in both forward and reverse.
Check that the display shows a certain number of kW when accelerating
Return the throttle to the neutral position.
Check the engine and controller temperature in the dashboard. Is it approximately the
same as the engine compartment temperature (engine and controller temperatures are never exactly
the same).
Turn off the ignition
Turn off the main switch
Connect the shore power cable
Check that the charger starts and gives the right signals. Refer to the charger's manual.
Check on the display whether the voltage of the battery pack goes up to the specified charging voltage.
Consult the manual of the battery pack for this.
Preferably charge the battery pack fully before the first trip and before setting up the display. See
explanation of the use of the display below.
Make a sea trial and check everything visually, also pay attention to sounds and vibrations.
During the sea trial, check the number of revolutions (rpm) at full throttle and the maximum engine power at
full throttle (kW) to determine whether you have the right propeller.
Max RPM should be 1400-1500.
Max power should be 100% to 110