#1 hex compression fitting
#2 locking cap nut
Column stabilizer retainer
14. Align the two Phillips screws to the threaded holes in the column trough, and then press
the column-stabilizer into the trough.
15. Use the #1 Phillips screwdriver to tighten the screws.
Alternate tightening between the two screws to ensure that the column-stabilizer is
secure and sits flat against the trough.
To avoid stripping the threads, do not overtighten screws.
16. Loosen the #2 locking cap nut on the column stabilizer.
17. Connect the in-line filter or column to the column stabilizer.
For installation instructions, see
Dual threaded fitting with locking cap nut
18. Push the column assembly into the column trough.
19. Close the column compartment door and ensure that the door is clasped shut.
Before operating the column heater with the column stabilizer, you must change the
preheater setting in the console to
Active, disabled
3.12 Replacing the ferrule on the column-inlet fitting
Replace the column-inlet ferrule on the APH assembly fitting if the column is leaking or the ferrule
looks damaged.
To prevent burn injuries, set the column temperature to Off, and then allow
the column compartment and its components to cool for 60 minutes before touching
them. Monitor the column compartment's internal temperature to ensure that all
components are cool.
To avoid personal contamination with biologically hazardous, toxic, and corrosive
materials, wear chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when performing this procedure.
To avoid eye injury, use eye protection when performing this procedure.
December 4, 2019, 715005052 Version 02 (previously released as Rev.B)
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