WatchGuard SOHO
WatchGuard SOHO WebBlocker is an optional feature of the WatchGuard
SOHO and SOHOtc that provides Web site filtering capabilities. It enables
you to exert fine control over the types of Web sites users on your private
network are allowed to view.
How WebBlocker Works
WebBlocker relies on a URL database built and maintained by The Learn-
ing Company for the CyberPatrol. The WebBlocker database contains
many thousands of IP addresses and directories. These addresses are
divided into categories based on content such as Drug Culture, Intoler-
ance, or Sexual Acts.
WatchGuard copies the database to our Web site at regular intervals.
Every time a user on your private network attempts to reach an Internet
Web site, the SOHO queries our database and determines whether or not
to block the site. Depending on conditions, the SOHO decides whether or
not to block the site: