background image


What do the ON and MODE lights signify on the SOHO?

When the ON light is illuminated, the SOHO has power. When the MODE light is 
illuminated, the SOHO is operational.

How do I register my SOHO? 

Registering your WatchGuard SOHO is required for you to receive all LiveSecurity alerts 
and software updates as soon as they are available. 


 To register your SOHO:
1.  Using your Web browser, go to


2.  Click 

System Administration

 and then click 

System Password


3.  Click 

Click here to register your SOHO


4.  Enter your information and then click 

Save Profi le


How do I register for Live Security?

Using your Web browser, go to

, and click 

LiveSecurity Home



Where are the SOHO settings stored?

The confi guration parameters of the SOHO are stored in a fi le named 


, located 

inside your SOHO. 

How do I change to a DHCP private IP address?

1.  Make sure your computer is set up to use DHCP dynamic addressing (refer to 

page 10 of the SOHO User Guide).

2.  Using your Web browser, go to


3.  Click 

Private Network


4.  Enable the checkbox labeled 

Enable DHCP Server

 and then click 



5.  Click 


and wait for the SOHO to fi nish rebooting. The MODE and ON light 


fl ash at different times during boot, which takes about a minute.

How do I change to a static private IP address?

Before you can use a static IP address, you must have a base Private IP address and 
subnet mask.
The following IP address ranges and subnet masks are set aside for private networks in 
compliance with RFC 1918. Replace the X in the network IP address with a number 
between 1 and 254. The subnet addresses do not need to be changed. 


Network IP range 


Subnet mask







To change to a static private IP address:

1.  Using your Web browser, go to


2.  Click 

Private Network

, and disable the checkbox labeled 

Enable DHCP Server


3.  Enter the information in the appropriate fi elds. Click 



4.  Click 


and wait for the SOHO to fi nish rebooting. The MODE light on the front 


of the SOHO will turn off, then back on approximately 1 minute.

How do I set up and disable the WebBlocker



1.  Using your Web browser, go to


2.  Click 


. Click 



3.  To enable WebBlocking, select the 

Enable WebBlocking 

checkbox and enter a 


password, time limit for your password, and select the type of sites you want blocked.

4.  To disable WebBlocking, deselect the 

Enable WebBlocking 


How do I allow incoming services such as UDP, POP3, Telnet, and Web  service?

1.  Using your Web browser, go to


2.  Click 


and then click 

Allowed Incoming Services

3.  Click 

Add a Service

 and then click the service you want to add. 


For UDP, you will need to select UDP on the Forward drop list and enter the range of 


port numbers in the port fi elds. For all other services, enter the IP address of the 


computer that needs the incoming service.

4.  Click 



How do I allow incoming IP protocols?

You will need the IP address of the computer that will be receiving the incoming data 
and the IP protocol number that corresponds to the specifi c incoming IP protocol. 
Follow these steps:
1.  Using your Web browser, go to


2.  Click 


. Click 

Allowed Incoming Services


3.  Click 

Add a Service

. Click 

Add Other Service


4.  In the protocol fi eld, enter the protocol you want allowed.
5.  Enter the IP address of the host computer. Click 



How do I allow all incoming services?

With the SOHO, you can allow any incoming service, however, this opens your network 
to the public. 


: This creates a major security risk. For instructions on how to 

allow incoming services, refer to Allowing Incoming Services in Chapter 3 of the SOHO 
User Guide.



Tech Support: 


(U.S. and Canada) 


(all other countries)

Confi guring a SOHO VPN Tunnel

With the WatchGuard SOHO VPN option, 
you can confi gure a secure tunnel over the 
Internet to a variety of IPSec/compliant 
devices. The  fi rst step is to obtain from our 
Web site the confi guration instructions for the 
type of device at the other end of the tunnel. 
Use your Web browser to connect to: 


Contact your System Administrator or 
Internet Service Provider to obtain the IP 
addressing information required to complete 
any VPN tunnel. If you have any questions, 
please feel free to contact WatchGuard Tech-
nical Support or visit the WatchGuard SOHO 
Confi guration page at:
confi guration.asp

The list below identifi es many ISPs that 
provide cable and DSL service. The  phone 
numbers shown are general access num-
bers. For complete contact information, 
see your ISP documentation.



Earthlink (Sprint)


Mindspring (Sprint)














Southwest Bell




Verizon (Bell Atlantic)


© 2001 WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. 
All rights reserved. WatchGuard


 and LiveSecurity


 are either a trademark or registered trademark of WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. in the United States and other countries.  WebBlocker and VPN Manager are trademarks of 

WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are property of their respective owners.


Before setting up a VPN, you must have the following:


wo properly confi gured and working SOHOs or one SOHO and one Firebox with the 




fi rmware. Each SOHO must have the VPN feature key enabled.


The static public IP address, the network address, and the subnet masks of both 


SOHOs. (The base private IP address of each SOHO must be static and unique.)


The DNS and WINS server IP address, if used. 


The shared key (passphrase) for the tunnel.


The same encryption method on each end of the tunnel (DES or 3DES). 


The same authentication method on each end (MD-5 or SHA-1).

How do I set up a VPN between two SOHOs?

For detailed information on how to confi gure a VPN tunnel between two SOHO devices, 
download the SOHO to SOHO IPSec VPN Tunnel confi guration instructions:
1.  Using your Web browser, go to


2.  Click 


on the left of the page.

3.  Click 

VPN Confi guration


4.  Click 

Confi guring a SOHO to SOHO IPSec VPN Tunnel


5.  Download and follow the instructions to confi gure your VPN tunnel.


How do I reboot my SOHO?

1.  Using your Web browser, go to

 to open the SOHO local settings 

2.  Click 

System Information


3.  Click 

Features and Version Information


4.  Click 


. Wait for the MODE light on the SOHO to turn off, then back on.


You can also reboot by removing the power coupling for 10 seconds, and then 



How do I set up my SOHO for remote confi guration?

This requires the add-on product, WatchGuard VPN Manager


 software, which is 

purchased separately. To purchase VPN Manager, go to


. For more information on how to remotely confi gure a SOHO, 

see the VPN Manager Guide.

How do I reset the SOHO to factory defaults?

To reset the SOHO to factory settings, disconnect the power, disconnect all cables, plug 
one end of an Ethernet cable into the WAN port and the other end into any LAN 
port, connect power, wait 90 seconds, and disconnect power. Your SOHO is now reset to 
factory defaults so connect cables in original confi guration and power up again.

How does the seat limitation on the SOHO work?

The default user license on the SOHO is 10. The fi rst 10 computers on the network to 
attempt access are allowed through to the Internet.

How do I get to the SOHO Knowledge Base?

Using your Web browser, to

. Log in using your 

WatchGuard User Name and Password created when you registered. Click 



and then click 

Knowledge Base.

I set a password on my unit, but I forgot it. Can you help?

If you forgot your password, you must reset the SOHO to its factory default. See 
question above on “How do I reset the SOHO to factory defaults”.

How do I install a SOHO using a Macintosh



The SOHO User Guide explains the installation steps for Macintosh computer users. 
Refer to page 2 of the SOHO User Guide.

How do I know whether the cables are connected correctly to my SOHO?

There are twelve Link lights on the front of the SOHO grouped in pairs. The Link lights 
labeled WAN tell you if your SOHO is connected to your modem. If these lights are 
not illuminated, the SOHO is not connected to your modem. Check to make sure that 
both sides of the cable are connected and that your Internet connection is not down. The 
Link lights numbered 1 through 4 are the LAN Link lights. They tell you if the SOHO is 
connected to a computer or hub through that LAN port. If the lights are not illuminated, 
the SOHO is not connected to the computer or hub. Check to make sure that both sides 
of the cable are connected and that the computer or hub has power.

I can connect to the confi guration screen; why can’t I browse the Internet?

This means that the SOHO is on, but something may be wrong with the connection from 
the SOHO to the Internet. Your ISP may be temporarily down--call your ISP. Make sure 
the cable or DSL modem is connected correctly and has power. 

How can I see the MAC address of my SOHO?

Using your Web browser, go to

I can’t get a certain feature to work, and I have a DSL modem.

Some DSL routers implement NAT fi rewalls. Running NAT in front of the SOHO causes 
problems with WebBlocker and the performance of IPSec. When a SOHO is used in 
conjunction with a DSL router, the NAT feature of the DSL router should be set for 
bridge-only mode.
