– DELTA 40 – 150kVA BAX 4647E - 32 -
Shut-down Software
A controlled shutdown of computer-systems which are being attached to the UPS is possible by using a shutdown-
software. Using this option either the relay-PCB, a SNMP-adaptor or a direct connection between the PC and the serial
interface is necessary. The shutdown software is available for various operating systems. Please contact our sales
partment for further details. Please provide information about the operating system, the type and amount of PC’s
being used.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
A UPS is subject to an aging process of several components (resistors, capacitors, and so on) like every other electron-
ic equipment, too.
A UPS system should be maintained regularly.
For this reason we strongly recommend a contract of maintenance.
We strongly recommend regular visual and functional tests on the UPS to obtain its operational reliability and availabil-
ity. Also the battery charge should be checked. For verification a log should be kept.
Maintenance work must sometimes be performed when the UPS is connected to the power supply.
Always observe the safety regulations and secure the work area!
The following maintenance work must be performed if no other instructions are given by the battery manufacturer:
Inspection interval
Visual check
6 months
Functional test
6 months
Electrolyte level of the batteries *)
3 months
Replace the fans
Approx. 40.000 hours
*) Note: Not applicable for maintenance free valve regulated batteries.
Visual checks
Visual inspections should include:
Check for any unusual noise or odour.
Check of the front control panel and verify that no alarm is pending.
Inspect the fan assembly and air filter and replace if necessary.
Check for any partial damage and foreign substance in the unit.
Check for any conductive dirt or dust.
Check for any accumulation of dust which affects heat dissipation.
The UPS must be disconnected from the power supply prior to carrying out the following work. Always
observe the safety regulations!
If large quantities of dust have accumulated, the unit should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner to ensure adequate heat
The intervals at which visual checks should be performed are determined by the site conditions.