01205 821 796
The user can customise the �mes and temperatures throughout the week by holding down the book icon /’Arrows’ icon for 3 seconds un�l the
“Loop” icon is showing. This will show the week-days setup you have chosen. What changes you make now will affect the �me periods.
Press the book /’Arrows’ icon again and it will show the temperature for the first-�me period (6.30am). If you would like to change the
temperature, simply use the up + and down – bu�ons. Then press the clock bu�on to move to the �me: hours, then minutes. Alter your
preferred se�ngs by using the + and – bu�ons.
Then, press the book bu�on /’Arrows’ shortly to move on to the next �me, which you can again change by using the + and – bu�ons. Go
through each of the 6-�me periods un�l you return to normal screen. Please note, if you wish to have one or more of the �me periods to be
ac�ve at all, then reduce the temperature of that �me slot down to ‘00’.
Manually change to the room set temperature can be made at any �me by simple pressing the + and – keys. This will display the ‘Hand Symbol’
to show the manual control.
This is a handy func�on for stopping children, tenants and others from altering a set programme. To lock hold down the clock key
un�l a lock (padlock) icon shows. To release, just hold down for some seconds un�l this icon disappears.
External Sensor
: Slots 5 and 6 on the back of the unit is to connect the external thermometer. This will be useful when you want to take a
temperature reading in a bathroom, where you’re not meant to place any electrical hand control (wet fingers and electricity.). Just drill a small
hole through into the bathroom and posi�on the sensor there. The external sensor can be purchased from our website along with a sensor
probe enclosure box to hide the unit on the wall.
Advanced Settings:
There are various other func�ons available in the advanced se�ngs, such as ac�va�ng the external sensor and to use the an�-freeze func�on:
To enter advanced se�ngs: Turn the unit off, then press and hold the clock bu�on and at the same �me press power bu�on . Now in advanced
se�ngs. Press to go through op�ons 1 to 9 as detailed on the factory manual
Please see below the list of the 9 advanced se�ngs available:
– This nominates the internal or external sensor. If you’ve wired in the external sensor, you’ll need to select op�on 1 in this
func�on. Or 0 for internal. (there’s also op�on 2 for using both sensors)
– The factory default temperature limit for the external sensor is 42°C. This is programmable.
– This sets the temperature sensi�vity differen�al for the external sensor. The factory default is that the controller will stop output
at 42°C and turn back on at 40°C. You can change this to a differen�al of up to 9 degrees C.
– Sets upper temperature limit on chosen sensor. Default is 35°C. Range: 5°C – 99°C.
– Sets lower temperature on chosen sensor.
- Calibra�ng temperature
– An�-freeze func�on. 00 an�-freezing func�on shuts down. 01 the func�on opens.
– Default is 00 Power with no memory. Can change with 01 to have memory.
– If you need to restore se�ngs to factory default, enter 00. Default is 08 to show display chosen.
Note on connec�ng your hea�ng panel to the controller:
Wiring is straigh�orward, on the back of the controller there is “Load” slots 1 and 2. This is for the live and neutral of the heater panel. Slots 3
and 4 is for the mains live and neutral power feed.
The controller can be surface mounted or recessed into the wall. It is recommended to mount the controller approximately half way up the wall
(level with the light switch) in a convenient loca�on to accurately measure the room temperature. Wires can be hidden in surface plas�c
conduit or recessed into the wall.
It is not recommended to install in direct sunlight or close to an entrance as the sunlight/draughts may create an inaccurate temperature