Some of the discs and blades have aluminum components. Whether cleaning them manually or in a
dishwasher, be sure to use a detergent that is safe for use with soft metals. Other types of cleaning
detergents can cause corrosion of soft metals.
A stiff bristle brush will help to knock food particles out of the crevices of the discs and blades before
washing. Handle very carefully as the blades are sharp.
Please note that all accessory discs and blades may be disassembled with a screwdriver for thorough
cleaning. This includes the cutting blades on the center hub of the S-blade. Handle the sharp S-blade
with care.
For manual cleaning, it is recommended that you use washing solutions based on non-sudsing detergents,
and chlorine-based sanitizing solutions that have a minimum chlorine concentration of 100 PPM.
The following washing, rinsing, and sanitizing solutions, or their equivalents, may be used:
4 tablespoons per
Hot 115°F (46°C)
BX/A or CX/A
Plain Water
Warm 95°F (35°C)
1 tablespoon per
Cold 50°F (10-21°C)
To clean and sanitize the motor base
Clean and sanitize the motor base prior to initial use and after each use. Unplug the unit, then wipe down
the exterior surfaces of the motor base with cloths or sponges dampened with a soluble detergent. Next,
wipe down with rinse water. Prevent liquid from running into the motor base by wringing out all excess
moisture from cloths or sponges before using them.
Allow the unit to air-dry before using again.
Never use harsh abrasive-type cleaners on any part of the Commercial Food Processor.
The SAFETY RESET SWITCH is provided for your convenience and to extend the life of your Waring
food processor. It is located on the back of your machine, on the safety interlock tower, protected by a
round finger hole. The switch button is red.
If the machine should become jammed or somehow overloaded, the safety-reset switch has a mechanism
that will shut down the motor to prevent overheating and to prevent damage to the motor.
How it works
If the machine becomes overloaded, the shaft and blade will stop turning, but you will hear a buzzing noise.
After a few seconds you will hear a click, and the buzzing noise will stop. This is the safety reset switch
shutting off the motor.
Possible causes of a motor shutdown
• Food becoming jammed between the processing plate and the bowl or cover.
• An unusually heavy load being processed for a lengthy period of time.
To restart the motor, follow these steps:
• Turn the machine OFF by pressing the PULSE/OFF lever.
• Unplug the machine.
• Clear the batch processing bowl (or continuous feed chute) of the food that caused the jamming
condition. It may be that you only need to remove some of the food.
• Wait for at least 1 minute to allow the motor to cool.
• Plug the unit into the appropriate electrical outlet.
• Press the red safety reset switch located on the back of the safety interlock tower.
• Press down the ON lever or the PULSE lever to restart the machine. We suggest pulsing to start the pro-
cessing, as this will put less strain on the motor.
• If the machine does not start, wait for another minute and repeat this procedure.
Clean the food processor and accessories prior to initial use and after each use. Do not use harsh abrasive-
type cleaners on any part of the food processor. Cleaning must follow NSF guidelines.
Wash the motor shaft with a small brush.
Wash, rinse, sanitize and dry the bowl, continuous feed chute, covers, small food pusher, large food pusher,
accessory discs, S-blades and ejector /slinger disc prior to initial use, and after use, unless they will be used
again immediately. These items are all dishwasher-safe, and may be cleaned and rinsed in the dishwasher
instead of manually in the sink.
Wash and rinse all of the above items after each use.