Assembly Manual for IAR-80 (Version 1.3)
Copyright 2012 Thomas A. Jacoby and WarbirdKits.com
Cut a hole in the top skin for the aileron crank.
Apply a thin bead of Pro-Bond or aliphatic resin to the
tops of the ribs and spars and along the top of the
leading and trailing edges. Lay the top skin in place
and pin it firmly to the ribs and spars. Let the wing
assembly dry.
Laminate two WT pieces to make a wing tip block.
Glue the wing tip block to the wing.
Notch the leading edge for the 1/8” dowel.
Sand the wing panel to its final shape.
Repeat these steps with the opposite wing panel.
Wing Panel Joint
Use a long sanding block to prepare the root rib faces
for joining.
Join the panels using 15-minute epoxy between the
root ribs. Use masking tape to hold the bottom skins
flush. With one wing tip flat on the building surface,
elevate the other wing tip to the required total dihedral.
Reinforce the root rib joint by wrapping it with nylon or
glass cloth. Saturate the wrap with CA.
Use a 1/8” drill bit to clear the wing bolt hole and the
dowel hole in the leading edge.
Use a sharp blade to cut the ailerons free from the
wings. Use a sanding block to finish the aileron leading
edges and the aileron slots in the wing.
Cover the wing as desired.
Hinge the ailerons.
Install the 1/8” dowel in the leading edge. The dowel
should project about 1/4” forward of the wing.
Lay a sheet of wax paper on your building board and
pin the crutch over it.
Glue formers F2U through F10U to the crutch.
Glue the DORSAL KEEL in place to formers F6U
through F10U.
Glue cockpit floor CF in place on formers F4U, F5U
and F6U.
Glue the FORWARD KEEL in place on formers F2U,
F3U and F4U.
Plank the top of the fuselage with 1/16” balsa strips.
The planks should overhang the rear of the fuselage by
at least 2.5”. At the tail, do not plank above the cutout
for HSP in F10. Start with a 3/4” wide plank against the
crutch. Finish planking with 1/4” wide strips.
Glue the 1/4” DORSAL CAP in place.
Temporarily fit the canopy to the fuselage and trace its
outline on the fuselage with a soft pencil.
Cut the cockpit opening about 1/8” inside the canopy
Remove the upper fuselage from the building board.
Cut a slot in the upper fuselage planking for the
elevator pushrod.
Prepare F4L as follows: