4. Visiting device by other software
4.1. Other web browser
In the Windows OS, for using browser with IE kernel, user must download the ActiveX.
While for Safari and Firefox browsers, p
lease Download “QuickTime” plug-in and install it
to access the IP camera. After installation, please run the QuickTime program to access
the QuickTime Preferences dialog box from Edit Menu, example as figure 31. Click
“Advanced”, select “custom.” in the Transport Setup. It pops up the Streaming Transport
dialog box. Please select “HTTP” for transport protocol and “80” as port ID, click “ok”,
and then return to Transport Setup to change “Custom..” to “Auto”. Finally, click “ok” at
the bottom. After finishing these settings, run the Firefox or Safari browser to view the
Figure 31
In Mac computer, the Quicktime is installed by default, so the user simply accesses
setting tool folder at application folder and run the command program, enter command
by command line mode:
qtdefaults write TransportSettings HTTP 80
And then run the Safari browser to view the video.
Note: Please select the G.711 audio code format for hearing sound in Quicktime plug-in.
4.2. Mobile phone software
For more information, please see the user manual for mobile phone in attached CD, or
download the latest software and user manual in our website.