Users can access the camera via DDNS domain name provided by the manufacturer for
free or a third party domain name. Port mapping is required while using domain name to
access. The third party domain name supports 3322.org/dyndns.org/ No-iP.com.
Network > RTSP setting
The user can set the RTSP port after entering RTSP Setting bar. In addition, the RTSP
Authentication function can be closed. Default value of RTSP port is: 554 Selection range:
Some general RTSP streaming media software can be adopted to access video on the
device, such as VLC. Access links are as shown below:
The first bit stream: rtsp://user: password @IP:rtsp port /live/ch0
The second bit stream: rtsp://user: password @IP:rtsp port /live/ ch1
The third bit stream: rtsp://user: password @IP:rtsp port /live/ ch2
Network > Onvif setting