5.3. Delete device
Select the camera added in device list, click Delete Device button to delete the device.
5.4. Device right-click Menu
Select the camera added in device list, right click it, it will pop up Right-click Menu as
Figure 6.
Figure 6
Query Log: query operation log and alarm log of the camera, same as section 8;
Set Plan: You can perform single camera recording plan after adding recording plan.(need
to add “default record plan” in system setting, then you set up it, detail see section 7.1.3);
Edit Device: the function same as 5.2 Edit Device;
Local Property: view information of selected device as Figure 7
Figure 7
Tips: Right click any here, it will pop up a menu as Figure 8 when you don’t select any
camera, then you can use one key to perform all operation.
Delete Device icon