SL20K Self-Steering Axle and Suspension System Installation Manual
4.3 Adjusting Wheel Toe-in
Toe-in is the relationship of the distance between
the front and rear of the tires or the amount at
which the front wheels point inward. Toe-out is
the amount at which the tires point outward.
When the front distance is less than the rear
distance, the wheels are in a “toe-in” condition.
Most tire wear is caused by incorrect toe settings.
Toe-in must be verified and adjusted, if required,
during suspension installation.
To adjust wheel Toe-in:
1. Place the vehicle on a level surface.
2. Lift the axle until tires are free to spin.
3. Use paint or chalk to mark the horizontal
center of tires around the complete outer
surface of the tire.
4. Place the pointers of a trammel bar on the
marks of each tire and rotate the tires making
sure a straight line has been marked.
5. Measure and record the distance at the back
of the tires.
6. Measure and record the distance at the front
of the tires.
7. Use the following calculation to determine the
Toe-in measurement.
Distance between back tires (R) __________
Distance between front tires (F)
Toe-in must be “0.09” + or – “0.03”. = ________
A positive result is considered Toe-in and a
negative result is considered Toe-out.
8. If the Toe-in measurement is not at the
specified distance:
Loosen clamp bolts and nuts at each end of
the tie rod.
Turn tie rod tube with a pipe wrench to adjust
wheel Toe-in.
Tighten clamp bolts to the proper torque.
9. Repeat step 1 through step 8 until correct
Toe-in is obtained.
FIG – 9 Toe-in