FSG 90F System
1. Safety Information
November 2000
W. Dittel GmbH
Prior to any flight verify proper
FSG 90F(X)
functions by means of a short
communications test. It has to be taken into account that with a faulty antenna or
cable this COM test may absolutely turn out positive at the airfield or in short distance
to the ground station. But at distances of 2 to 6 miles a faulty antenna and/or cable
will cause communication breakdown!
Push-to-Talk keys may stick occasionally. Therefore, observe while transmitting the
transmit (TX) symbol at the
FSG 90F(X)
display. This TX symbol must disappear
when releasing the PTT key. After 2 minutes continuous TX the built-in transmit time
out timer disables the transmitter in order to avoid continuous channel blocking.
Then, the whole display warns by continuous flashing. Refer to appropriate hints in
this manual.
Replace blown fuse only against correct type with specified nominal value.
Investigate the cause.
Used Symbols
In this manual the following symbols are used:
describes an immediate threatening danger! Failing to observe the note
may cause death or heavy injuries!
describes a special note for operation. Failing to observe the note may
cause damage of the transceiver and/or stored data may be deleted (SET-
UP or user programmed memory)!
describes explanations and other useful hints. Failing to observe the note
may cause degraded performance and/or unsatisfying operation!