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safety informations


Safety Information


The Morath Electric Scooter has been manufactured to meet Australian and international

electrical and safety standards, but you must take care to operate it safely.

It is important that you can read these safety instructions. If you have any doubts about

the operation, or safety of the The Morath Electric Scooter, please consult your reseller or





The charger supplied with the The Morath Elec-

tric Scooter features an indication light, which 

indicates the charging status of the unit. A red 

light indicates the unit is charging, and a green 

light indicates the unit is fully charged. Once 

the charging is completed [green light], the 

charger must be disconnected from the unit 


Please also ensure, that the unit is not connect-

ed to the charger for more than 6 hours at any 

one time between use.

Overcharging The Morath Electric Scooter may 

result in overheating, fire or death.

The Morath Electric Scooter must not be used if 

it is damaged in any form. 

Please contact us for further information about 

safely disposing or recycling your unit.

Damaged units pose fire and electrocution


Do not use The Morath Electric Scoot-

er if it has been damaged in any form.

Never place naked flame sources, 

such as candles, within 1m of The 

Morath Electric Scooter.

Do not use The Morath Electric Scoot-

er if water has leaked into its internal


Riders heavier than 90kg must not 

ride The Morath Electric Scooter.

Do not store The Morath Electric Scoot-

er in hot, cold, damp or dusty places. 

The Morath Electric Scooter operating 

temperature is between 0°C - 30°C

Do not overcharge The Morath Electric

Scooter. Overcharging is caused by 

leaving the unit plugged into the 

charger for longer than 6 hours.

Do not operate The Morath Electric 

Scooter if there is an electrical error, or 

fault with the electric system in the unit.
Do not use The Morath Electric Scoot-

er charger if it is damaged.
