Walker Magnetics, Inc., NEO Permanent Lifting Magnets
Walker Magnetics recommends that your lifting magnet be re-tested for breakaway force each
year. This product is manufactrued in accordance with ASME B30.20** safety standard.
(For further information refer to Chapter 20-3 Close Proximity Operated Magnets.)
* Qualifi ed Person
- A person who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, has successfully demonstrated
the ability to solve or resolve problems related to Walker lifting magnets.
** The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990
Check the entire magnet’s case, lifting surfaces, eyehook, and welds for cracks or other defects. If pres-
Contact a Qualifi ed Person* or O. S. Walker.
Inspect the eyehook for wear or deformation. If the eyehook is deformed and/or the diameter of the eye-
hook is worn to less than 5/16” (0.313”) for the NEO-125, 7/16" (0.438") for the NEO-250 & NEO-500 or
9/16” (0.563”) for the NEO-1000 and NEO-2000 it should be replaced.
Check the condition of the Product Safety/Operating Instruction label and the Lifting Guidelines/Specifi -
cation label. If they are missing or damaged, they must be replaced. Your magnet was supplied with one
(1) Lifting Guidelines label, (1) Operating Instruction label, and one (1) Product Safety Poster.
Inspect all socket head cap screws. Retighten and/or replace if necessary.
Keep the lifting surfaces of the magnet CLEAN, SMOOTH, FLAT, FREE OF RUST and any FOREIGN
MATERIALS. Nicks and burrs on the lifting surfaces will reduce the lifting capacity. If burrs occur, they
can be removed by fi ling or hand stoning them away. However, care must be taken to protect the neigh-
boring lifting surfaces.
Check the operation of the handle. The handle shaft should move freely when extended and return
promptly upon release. If the handle shaft binds and remains extended,
. This handle shaft is a safety feature to prevent an inadvertent release of the load.
All the lifting surfaces of the magnet should be checked for fl atness and wear. Uneven wear and out of
fl atness can greatly reduce the lifting capacity because it will cause a non-magnetic separation (air gap)
between the magnet and the surface of the load. Some nicks and burrs will occur on the magnet’s lifting
surfaces due to normal usage. They should be fi led or ground away with an abrasive stone. However,
when the fl at contact area of the entire magnet’s lifting surfaces becomes less than 90% of the original
total lifting surfaces,
it should be taken out of service and repaired or replaced.
The NEO-125, NEO-250, NEO-500, NEO-1000 & the NEO-2000 lifting magnets have specially shaped
poles to ensure that the full magnetic intensity is directed into the load. Machining of the fl at portion of
the magnet’s poles that contact fl at plates & bars, will increase the width of the pole contact. This will
reduce the magnetic intensity directed into the load. Also, changing the angle of taper of the pole and or
the thickness will change the lifting characteristics of the magnet. Attaching or welding other materials to
the lifting surfaces in order to reduce wear
should not
be done with this magnet because it will greatly
reduce the lifting capacity. Contact O.S. Walker or a Qualifi ed Person* for proper repair instructions. If
machining is done to the poles, the magnet must be re-tested for break-away force in accordance with
the test described in ASME 30.20.**
Check the entire magnet’s case, lifting surfaces, eye hook, and welds for cracks or other defects. If pres-
. Contact a Qualifi ed Person* or O.S. Walker Co.