Chapter 3 – Software Operation
WalkAbout Computers HAMMERHEAD 3 User’s Guide – v021101
pattern while the unit is warming up. In
cold weather,
the machine may have to go through more than one cycle
before booting. If you need to bypass this pre-warming
process, just hold in the side button for approximately 5
seconds (3 cycles of the LED flashes) and the machine will
proceed to boot. If you continually experience long delays
when booting, you may want to change the setting to Standby.
Run: (Activates heater while the computer is running)
Check this box if you want the heater to operate while
the machine is running.
If this option is checked, the LCD and Hard drive heaters will
automatically activate each time the temperature falls below 52
The heaters will operate for a time to bring the unit up to 60
F, at
which point they will shut off. This cycle will repeat each time the
temperature falls below 52
To see if the heaters are running, look under the properties tab in the
Heaters section. If the heaters are running, “Heaters On” will appear to
the right of the check boxes. (See below)
Chapter 3 – Software Operation
WalkAbout Computers HAMMERHEAD 3 User’s Guide – v021101
HHVideo is a system utility that automatically runs in the system tray
and performs necessary system services. You can use HHVideo to
adjust the brightness and contrast of your unit. Additionally, it provides
icon images for the status of the batteries for quick reference and
displays the percentage charge when the cursor hovers over the icons.
The program may be started from the Start Programs menu. Go to
Start, Programs, StartUp, HHVideo.