Blower Repair & Maintenance Manual #34-05198-6 v1.2 11.2014
The function of trouble shooting is to locate quickly and to correct the cause of faulty operation and failure
of equipment. No matter how well equipment is designed and manufactured, there may be times when
faults will develop and failures will occur during operation.
Whenever equipment fails to operate satisfactorily, the operator or repairman must be able to locate the
cause and correct the trouble as quickly as possible. The trouble chart below is provided to assist in
recognizing the cause of common faults and in correcting them quickly.
Possible Causes
Unit out of time
Distortion due to improper
mounting or pipe strains
Excessive pressure differential
Worn timing gears caused by
improper lubrication or overloading
Check mounting alignment and
relieve pipe strains
Check manufacturer’s recommended
pressure, check relief valves
Replace timing gears
Knocking in open and/or
closed position
Worn bearings
Worn bearing cartridges
New bearings
Replace cartridges
Broken Shaft
Excessive overhung load
Replace shaft and recheck drive for
overhung loads
Excessive Heating
Too much oil in gear case
Incorrect speed to pressure ratio
Gear case not properly vented
Check oil level
Check ratio
Clean vents
Excessive heating or
motor overloading
Clogged filter or muffler, incorrect
installation of checkvalves
Excessive line loss (Pressure)
Remove cause of obstruction
Check pressure differential directly
across blower
Sudden motor overloading
Excessive pressure in the system
Check valves and line for plugging