Basic adjustments
Basic adjustments
The following section contains information on how to
inspect your pedelec before starting your journey,
adjust the seat position and
make other basic adjustments.
If you do not have the necessary know-how and tools to make basic adjustments,
have your bicycle dealer perform these adjustments.
Before your first trip
Your bicycle dealer has completely assembled and adjusted the pedelec. The pedelec is
thus roadworthy.
Familiarise yourself with the most important functions on the pedelec before setting off on
your first trip.
Familiarise yourself with the riding characteristics of your pedelec in a safe place
away from the road.
If you are unfamiliar with the brake lever assignment to the front and rear wheel
brakes, have a bicycle dealer change the brake lever configuration.
Familiarise yourself with how your bike brakes at a low speed in a safe place away
from the road.
If your bicycle is fitted with hydraulic brakes, press both brake levers several times to
centre the brake linings in the calliper.
Practice changing gear in a safe place away from the road so that you do not have to
take your attention away off the road when changing gear.
Check whether your seating position is sufficiently comfortable, especially for longer
journeys, and whether you can easily operate all the components on the handlebar
while riding.
Checks before each journey
Before each journey, check the pedelec for damage and excessive wear.
If you discover any damage or excessive wear, do not use the pedelec.
Have the damaged or worn components replaced by a bicycle dealer.