Walchem WebAlert Manual Download Page 2

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What hardware do I need? 

Wireless Ethernet Bridge(s) 
The wireless Ethernet bridge you choose will mainly depend on the distance/line-of-sight 
between the bridge and the wireless access point, or the second bridge.  A second 
consideration may be the physical environment where this device will reside.  The bridge 
manufacturer will be your source for selection, instructions, and commissioning of the 
wireless Ethernet bridge.  This is done independently from configuring the WM or the 
WA.  The wireless Ethernet bridge must be verified operational before connecting to the 
WM or the WA.   Either the bridge is verified connected to a wireless access point, or it 
is verified connected to a second bridge, prior to actually physically connecting to a WM 
or WA.   


What Do I Need to Configure In My WebMaster Controller? 




Consult with the plant IT people to determine the if the following addresses will 
be provided by them, or, if you can enable DHCP in the WM or WA and have the 
controller source these addresses: 



Ethernet IP address  



Ethernet IP Netmask address 



Default Gateway address 




Once the above addresses have been determined, log into your WebMaster via 
USB. Go to the Communications page. Under Ethernet (LAN), input said 
addresses, or enable DHCP.  Cycle power to the WM or WA. 




In accordance with the wireless Ethernet bridge manufacturer’s instruction, install 
and commission the wireless Ethernet device and verify it is operational.  Do not 
attempt to connect the bridge to the WM or WA until the bridge connection to the 
wireless access point, or connection to a second wireless bridge, has been 
established and verified. 




Power down the WM or WA, and power down the wireless Ethernet bridge.  
Using an Ethernet cable, connect the WM or WA to the wireless Ethernet bridge.  
Power up the wireless Ethernet bridge, and then power up the WM or WA. 




Open the browser on any computer with LAN access and type in Ethernet IP 
address of the WM or WA. 




Login to your WebMaster or WebAlert! 

