5.6 Interlock
This menu only appears in WDP models.
The Interlock A menu is used to assign an interlock device to the appropriate sensor. An interlock
device is an external monitoring sensor like a flow or level switch that serves to deactivate control
outputs when activated. For example, this could be used to prevent the controller from pumping
chemicals based on a stagnant sample.
The WDP controller can support up to two interlock devices. Refer to Figure 3c and d for a wiring
illustration. A typical setup would use one flow switch for sensor A and one for sensor B and they
would function independently. This is the default setting and describes operation when
Sensor A Only
is selected in this menu.
However, in some applications it is desirable to have one interlock device assigned to both sensor A and
B. For example, if you have both sensors mounted in the same sample stream, then a flow switch input
could be used to disable control for both sensors. This describes the operation when
Sensor A and B
selected in this menu.
Note: If this type of operation is desirable, the single interlock device must be
connected to the Sensor A input as illustrated in Figures 3c and d.
To make a selection, press
at the Interlock A menu. Use the UP or Down keys to toggle
Sensor A Only
Sensor A + B
. Press
again when the desired choice is displayed
to change the selection. Press
to return to the higher level menu.
Figure 12 Interlock A Menu
7.00pH 77°F
Interlock A
Assign Intrlk A A
Sensor A Only
Assign Intrlk A A
Sensor A and B
Interlock A Menu