Wahl DSTCAL Software User Manual
– DSX Current Loop
6.1. Theory of Calibration
Calibration of the 4-
20 mA current loop is performed by selecting the “4-20 mA
Calibration” on the drop down menu and following the on-screen prompts. This routine
performs calibration of the absolute current. It is not intended to make adjustments for
temperature to current equivalency. The Module Settings portion of Module
Configuration Information should be used for temperature assignments.
6.2. Current Loop Calibration
4-20 mA Calibration Window
Enter Measured Current (~4 mA) Screen
1. Forces DSX unit to output 4 mA signal and prompts user to enter actual value
measured on precision DC current meter. Box will turn “red” if value is out of
acceptable range.
Click “Next” to continue or “Cancel” to abort.
Enter Measured Current (~20 mA) Screen
3. Forces DSX unit to output 20 mA signal and prompts user to enter actual
value measured on precision DC current meter. Box will turn “red” if value is
out of acceptable range.
Click “Next” to continue or “Cancel” to abort.
Verify Output Current Screen
5. Forces unit to output 20 mA. Prompts user to verify the output current using a
precision DC current meter.
Click “Yes” if current is within
.002 mA and calibration will be complete with
new coefficients being loaded into registers.
Click “No” if current is not within
.002 mA and routine will restart to perform
calibration again.
If the error is greater than .002 mA we suggest running the calibration routine
again. Typing a wrong value in one of the windows is a likely cause of error. In
the event the unit cannot be calibrated, please contact the factory.