Process Image
753-456 2 AI ±10 V DC, Differential inputs
Version 1.2.0
Pos: 20 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften/Ebene 1/Prozessabbild - Ü berschrift 1 @ 4\mod_1240983067828_21.docx @ 31942 @ 1 @ 1
Process Image
Pos: 21 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Prozessabbild Kl emmenbus/Hinweis: Prozessabbildmapping abhängig von FBK/PFC, mit Status-/C ontroll byte @ 4\mod_1242621308640_21.docx @ 33290 @ @ 1
Mapping of process data in the process image of fieldbus systems
The representation of the I/O modules’ process data in the process image depends
on the fieldbus coupler/controller used. Please take this information as well as the
particular design of the respective control/status bytes from the section “Fieldbus
Specific Design of the Process Data” included in the description concerning the
process image of the fieldbus coupler/controller used.
Pos: 22 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Prozessabbild Kl emmenbus/Hinweis: Statusbyte-Auswertung abhängig vom Fel dbussystem @ 6\mod_1256127208766_21.docx @ 43344 @ @ 1
Evaluation of Status Byte
Some fieldbus systems can process status information of process value by means
of a status byte.
This status byte can be displayed via the commissioning tool
However, processing via the fieldbus coupler/controller is optional, which means
that accessing or parsing the status information depends on the fieldbus system.
Pos: 23 /Serie 753 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Prozessabbild Kl emmenbus/AI/Pr ozessabbild 753- 0456 @ 29\mod_1498055241293_21.docx @ 425250 @ @ 1
The analog input module 753-456 transmits 16-bit measured values and 8 status
bits (optional) per channel.
The digitalized measured value is transmitted to the process image of the
coupler/controller in a data word (16 bits) as an input byte 0 (low) and input byte
1 (high).
This value is mapped with a resolution of 12 bits to bit B3 … B14 plus the sign to
bit 15.
From production number 3202XXXX, the three least significant bits B0 … B2
contain status information that can be evaluated for fault detection. In the event
of an overrange, bit B0 = 1 is set.
For I/O modules with an earlier production number, the last 3 bits are not
The production number is printed on the side of the I/O module housing.
The hexadecimal and decimal measured values in the table are given on the
assumption that the first two bits have the status “0”.
If status “1” is taken into consideration for both bits, the decimal measured value
is higher than in the table by a value of 3.