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Important Comments
Legal Principles
ETHERNET StarterKit 2
1 Important Comments
To ensure fast installation and start-up of the units described in this manual,
we strongly recommend that the following information and explanations are
carefully read and abided by.
1.1 Legal Principles
1.1.1 Copyright
This manual is copyrighted, together with all figures and illustrations con-
tained therein. Any use of this manual which infringes the copyright provi-
sions stipulated herein, is not permitted. Reproduction, translation and elec-
tronic and photo-technical archiving and amendments require the written con-
sent of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG. Non-observance will entail
the right of claims for damages.
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to perform modi-
fications allowed by technical progress. In case of grant of a patent or legal
protection of utility patents all rights are reserved by WAGO Kontakttechnik
GmbH & Co. KG. Products of other manufacturers are always named without
referring to patent rights. The existence of such rights can therefore not be
ruled out.
1.1.2 Personnel Qualification
The use of the product detailed in this manual is exclusively geared to special-
ists having qualifications in PLC programming, electrical specialists or per-
sons instructed by electrical specialists who are also familiar with the valid
standards. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG declines all liability re-
sulting from improper action and damage to WAGO products and third party
products due to non-observance of the information contained in this manual.
1.1.3 Intended Use
For each individual application, the components supplied are to work with a
dedicated hardware and software configuration. Modifications are only per-
mitted within the framework of the possibilities documented in the manuals.
All other changes to the hardware and/or software and the non-conforming use
of the components entail the exclusion of liability on part of WAGO Kon-
takttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.
Please direct any requirements pertaining to a modified and/or new hardware
or software configuration directly to WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co.