262 Run-time System CODESYS 2.3
750-8212/040-010 PFC200 G2 2ETH M12 RS XTR
Version 1.0.0, valid from FW version 03.01.07(13)
Creating a Boot Project
Create a boot project to ensure that the PLC program starts automatically again
after a fieldbus controller restart. In the menu bar select
> Create boot
. You must be logged in to CODESYS to use this function.
Automatic loading of the boot project
In addition, you can load the boot project automatically when starting the
fieldbus controller. Click on the “Resources” tab and open “Target system
settings”. Select the “General” tab and “Load boot project automatically”.
If a boot project (DEFAULT.PRG and DEFAULT.CHK) is present under
and the “Run/Stop” switch of the fieldbus controller is set to
“Run”, the fieldbus controller automatically starts with the processing of the PLC
program. The PLC program is not started if the switch is set to “Stop”.
If a PLC program is running in the fieldbus controller, a PLC task starts with the
reading of the fieldbus data (only with fieldbus controllers and fieldbus
connection), the integrated input and output data and the I/O modules. The
output data changed in the PLC program is updated after the PLC task is
processed. A change in operating mode (“Stop/Run”) is only carried out at the
end of a PLC task. The cycle time includes the time from the start of the PLC
program to the next start. If a larger loop is programmed within a PLC program,
the task time is prolonged accordingly. The inputs and outputs are updated
during processing. These updates only take place at the end of a PLC task.