Function Description
750-375 PROFINET IO advanced Fieldbus Coupler
Version 1.1.0
If the pause time requested per the
control command is greater
than or equal to the configured minimum pause time of the PROFIenergy DAP,
all configured PROFIenergy submodules are moved to the "Pause" state.
Since the DAP submodule of the fieldbus coupler can only be connected to one IO
controller, control of PROFIenergy submodules is always submodule based via
the connection to a second IO controller without access to the DAP submodule.
Control of the PROFIenergy submodules is station-wide or submodule based
depending on the DAP selected via the connection to the first IO controller.
Parallel initiation of PROFIenergy commands via the DAP and the respective
submodules within a connection (AR) is not possible.
Firmware Update
The device firmware is updated via the ETHERNET interface only and has to be
carried out using the "WAGO Ethernet Update" firmware update tool.
Firmware update tool only available on request!
Please note that the "WAGO Ethernet Update" firmware update tool is only
available on request. Contact Technical Support by e-mail at:
The steps required to update the firmware are explained in the "WAGO Ethernet
Update" online help.
The following requirements must be met to successfully update the firmware:
TCP port 6626 is available for the WAGO Service interface.
TCP port 6626 is enabled by default after each restart of the fieldbus
coupler. It can only be temporarily disabled for PROFINET IO via
parameterization of the station proxy (DAP).
The fieldbus coupler has a valid device name.
The device name can be specified using a DCP service tool or via
available DIP switch.
The fieldbus coupler has appropriate IP settings.
A DCP service tool can be used to make the IP settings or temporarily
using the address resolution of the connected IOX.
The IP settings remain after restarting the fieldbus coupler as part of the
firmware update or are made available again.