Commissioning 91
750-325 CC-Link Fieldbus Coupler
Version 2.0.1
Testing the Function of the Fieldbus Node
The fieldbus coupler is initialized. The coupler determines the I/O module
configuration and creates a process image.
During start-up, the I/O LED (red) flashes.
If the I/O LED lights up green after a brief period, the fieldbus coupler is
As soon as the ‘I/O‘ LED flashes green, the fieldbus coupler displays the set
number of occupied stations and the cyclic setting by means of two successive
blinking sequences.
If an error occurs during start-up indicated by the I/O LED flashing red, evaluate
the error code and argument and resolve the error.
More information about LED signaling
The exact description for evaluating the LED signal displayed is available in the
section “Diagnostics” > … > “LED Signaling”.
Reading in the “CSP+” File in Configuration
A “CSP+” file is available to make integrating fieldbus couplers in CC-Link
configuration software easier.
This “CSP+” file describes the properties of the fieldbus coupler required for a
configuration, e.g., the memory images.
The “CSP+” file is read into the configuration software to configure the CC-Link
master for data exchange with the fieldbus coupler.
Structure, content and coding of this system profile data are standardized so the
software of various manufacturers can be used for the configuration.
More information about the “CSP+” file
The “CSP+” file is available at
When installing this file, please refer to the respective documentation for the
configuration software you are using.