EC – Conformity Declaration
In the name of the manufacturer
Walter Blombach GmbH
Tool and Machine Factory
based in Remscheid and Neuerburg
D-42871 Remscheid - Postfach 12 01 61 - Phone: (02191) 597- 0 - Fax: (02191) 597 - 40
D-54673 Neuerburg - WABECO Str. 1-10 - Phone: (06564) 9697-0 - Fax: (06564) 9697-25
We hereby declare that the universal lathes specified below
Universal mechanic lathe Typ:
meet the following regulation requirements for standard serie production
- EC directive for machines EEC 91/68 and 89/392
- EC low voltage directive 72/23/EEC
In order to meet / implement the requirements of the above mentioned directives, the following appli-
cable and previously published standards have been adhered to
EN 292-1
EN 292-2
EN292-2 Enclosure I
EN 294
EN 349
EN 418
EN 60204-1
D-54673 Neuerburg