Form No. 81-463-002 Revised 2013-09-05
MICO, Inc.
The load sensing accumulator charging valve operates in
a low and pressure on demand system. The charging valve
senses the pressure in the accumulator(s). If pressure in
one or both accumulators is below a specified pressure
range the charging valve sends a pressure signal to a
pressure and flow compensated pump. The pump senses
the pressure signal from the charging valve and responds
by supplying flow to meet the demand from the charging
valve. Pressure in the accumulators rises as the volume of
oil increases in them. Flow rate to the pressure accumulators
is constant. The charging valve stops sending the pressure
signal when pressure in the accumulators reaches the high
limit of the charging valve. The accumulator charging valve
is connected to the hydraulic system in parallel to other load
sensing valves. The highest demand for pressure determines
the operating pressure of the system. A load sensing priority
valve and fixed displacement pump may be used in place
of the pressure and flow compensated pump.
The pressure limiting device of the hydraulic system
limits pressure in the accumulators. The system must
be designed to ensure there is sufficient available flow
for all foreseeable operating conditions or has proper
priority function to ensure safe operation.
End user must provide proper maintenance of valve, should
it become inoperable, by replacing the valve or servicing it
with the proper repair kit. See TABLE 1 page 3 or TABLE 2
on page 5 for the proper repair kit number. Observe Service
Instruction procedures on following pages. See Warnings
A, B, C, and D below.
Single and Dual
with Load Sensing
Product Explanation, Operating Information,
and Service Instructions
Due to allowable operating temperature of accumulator
charging valve avoid contact or burn injury may occur.
Be sure system energy is relieved from accumulator
charging valve before removing from machine. See
machine operating instructions for procedures to relieve
system energy.
Pressure in the accumulators is limited the the system
pressure limiting device. Adjustment outside of the
allowable range may result in system damage or failure.
Do not exceed the high limit pressure setting indicated
in TABLE 1 and 2 or system damage or failure may occur.