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2391, S.5
September, 2004
Repair Track Maintenance
is in engagement with the sealing bead (if inserted properly, all nut threads will be visible), then apply the
holding nut and tighten it firmly using the strainer nut wrench.
Apply a NEW WABCO Freight Car Products emergency portion pipe bracket gasket.
The appropriate type of emergency portion must be applied. There are two versions; the ABDX and
ABDX-R for short cars (less than 75 feet of brake pipe) and the ABDXL and ABDXL-R for long cars (greater
than 75 feet of brake pipe).
In order to preclude the misapplication of operating valve portions, the ABDXL and ABDXL-R pipe brackets
have one slightly longer mounting stud than the ABDX and ABDX-R pipe brackets. This special stud
located on the pipe bracket near the bottom, is intended to prevent a long car valve portion from being
mounted to a short car.
Remove the vent protector plug or tape covering the vent protector exhaust from the new or satisfactorily
repaired and tested emergency portion. Install a cleaned or renewed vent protector into the cleaned
emergency portion.
Remove the shipping cover from the new or satisfactorily repaired and tested emergency portion and
immediately apply the portion to the pipe bracket. Coat the threads of the mounting studs lightly with
brake cylinder lubricant (M-914) or a compound consisting of one part graphite, Wabtec Specification M-
07695-02 (AAR Specification M-913), and two parts oil (SAE-20) by weight.
Tighten the holding nuts evenly and firmly in order to sufficiently prevent gasket leakage and yet not
excessively to cause distortion of covers and gaskets. (Wabtec recommended tightening sequence:
starting at 3 o’clock position on each valve portion and going in counter clockwise direction, torque all hex
nuts to 30 foot-pounds first. Then apply final torque of 70 foot-pounds in same direction and order.)
Clean and blow out the dirt collector bowl. Apply a NEW WABCO Freight Car Products gasket, then
assemble, lubricating the bolt threads lightly with brake cylinder lubricant (M-914) or a compound consisting
of one part graphite, Wabtec Specification M-07695-02 (AAR Specification M-913) and two parts oil (SAE-
20) by weight.
If car is equipped with a reservoir charging check valve mounted on AB Type Pipe Bracket, remove the cap
nut, spring and check valve. Examine the internal parts for excessive wear or damage and replace rubber
check valve with a NEW WABCO Freight Car Products supplied check valve. Worn parts are to be
renewed. Reassemble the check valve.
Check the brake cylinder, reservoir and pipe bracket for loose or missing supporting bolts and nuts and
replace or tighten as necessary.
If any pipe clamps are loose or missing, or if angle/end cocks are broken or improperly located, make
necessary repairs.
After the control valve emergency portion has been reinstalled and all repairs have been completed, the
entire air brake equipment must be tested in accordance with the latest issue of the Code of Air Brake
System Tests for Freight Equipment (AAR Standard S-486, latest revision).