About this documentation | 2
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2 About this documentation
2.1 Foreword
Read this document carefully and familiarise yourself with the operation of the product
before you use it. Keep this document ready to hand and in the immediate vicinity of
the product so that it is available to the personnel/user for reference at all times in
case of doubt.
The product was developed according to the state of the art and fulfils the require-
ments of the applicable European and national Directives. All corresponding docu-
ments are available from the manufacturer.
Only technically qualified persons are permitted to carry out commissioning, operation,
maintenance and decommissioning. The qualified personnel must have carefully read
and understood the operating manual before beginning any work.
2.2 Purpose of the document
– This document describes the operation and maintenance of the product.
– Provides important information for working safely and efficiently with the product.
– In addition to the quick reference guide with all relevant legal and safety content in
hard copy, this document is a detailed reference option for the product.
2.3 Warranty
guarantees that this product will remain free from material and production de-
fects for a period of two (2) years from the time of delivery. If there is a defect, VWR
shall decide on its own discretion whether to repair or replace the product free of
charge or to provide the customer with a refund of the purchase price of the product,
insofar as it is sent back during the warranty period. This warranty shall be voided if
the product was damaged accidentally or intentionally due to improper use or normal
wear. Insofar as the necessary maintenance tasks and inspections are not carried out
in accordance with the operating manual and the local requirements, the warranty
shall be voided, unless this omission is not causal for the defects of the product.
The customer must insure returned articles against damage and loss. This warranty is
limited to the aforementioned rights. IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED THAT THIS WAR-
2.4 Compliance with local laws and other legal
The customer is responsible for obtaining the necessary official approvals and other
authorisations that are necessary for operation and use of the purchased product in its
place of use. VWR can only be held liable if the customer fails to carry out the neces-
sary activities for this purpose or authorisations are not issued unless a corresponding
rejection is based on a defect of the product.