2. Princess Poppy
Come along and count with me,
1 2 3 4 5 6,
Come along and count with me,
Count along with me!
3. Prince Louie
So many, fun colours,
For us now to discover,
There’s green, red and blue,
Orange and purple,
And don’t forget there’s yellow!
4. Prince Louie
Counting is great, you’ll see,
Just sing along with me,
1 2 3 4 5 6,
1 2 3 4 5 6!
5. Princess Poppy
My name’s Poppy,
I am a Princess,
All across the Kingdom,
I bring joy,
In my castle,
I just love to sing,
Come along and sing with me!
6. Prince Louie
My name is Prince Louie,
and I’m the bravest prince you’ll ever see,
Adventure forever,
So won’t you come join me?