CID (Caller ID)
• Press to revew the call log when the phone s
not n use.
Whle n the menu, press to scroll down.
Press to lower the lstenng volume durng a call.
• Press to make or answer a call.
• Durng a call, press to answer a second call
when you hear a call watng alert.
• Press to dsplay the drectory when the phone s
not n use.
Whle n the menu, press to scroll up.
Press to rase the lstenng volume durng a call.
• Press to dsplay the menu.
• When n the menu, press to select an tem,
or save an entry or settng.
• Durng a call, press to hang up.
• Whle the handset s rngng, press to
slence the rnger.
• Press and hold when the phone s not n
use to erase the
• Durng programmng, press to return to
prevous menu wthout makng changes.
• Press to revew the redal lst.
• Whle dalng or enterng numbers nto the drectory,
press and hold to nsert a dalng pause.
CHARGE light
• On when the handset s chargng n the
telephone base or charger.
• Press repeatedly to dsplay other dalng
optons when revewng the call log.
INT (intercom)
• Press to ntate an ntercom conversaton
or transfer a call.
Press to actvate the handset speakerphone.
Press agan to resume normal handset use.
• Whle on a call, press to mute the
• Whle revewng the call log, press to delete
an ndvdual entry, or press and hold to
delete the entre call log.
• Press to delete dgts when predalng
(enterng the phone number before pressng
Handset layout
Getting started