2. Press or insert a character into the
driver’s seat. You will hear “The
firemen will save the day!” in a
Dalmatian voice and “Let’s sing!” in
a firefighter’s voice followed by the
“Ten Little Firemen” song. The light in
the siren will flash accordingly.
3. Press or insert a character into the
passenger seat. You will hear “Grab
on!” in a Dalmatian voice and “Let’s
go!” in a firefighter’s voice followed
by the “This Old Man” melody. The
light in the siren will flash accordingly.
4. When pushing or pulling the truck,
you will hear the “This Old Man”
melody or the “Ten Little Firemen”
melody followed by a dog barking
or a siren sound effect. The light in
the siren will flash accordingly.
Grab on!
Let’s go!
The firemen will
save the day!
Let’s sing!