Letters & Sounds
A01: Letter Sound
Press a letter to hear it said aloud, its phonic sound and a word beginning with that letter.
A picture of the word will also be shown.
A02: Racing Sounds
Let’s get racing! Listen carefully to the phonic sound said aloud and find the matching
A03: Letter Case Beginner
It’s time to match letters! An upper case letter will be displayed at the top of the screen,
press the left or right arrow to select the matching lower case letter.
A04: Letter Case Expert
It’s time to match letters! A lower case letter will be displayed at the top of the screen,
press the left or right arrow to select the matching upper case letter.
A05: Letter Launcher Beginner
Fill in the missing letter to complete the word! The crab is holding a letter bubble, move
it left or right to get below the correct word and press enter to launch it. Watch out for
the fish!
A06: Letter Launcher Expert
Fill in the missing letter to complete the word! The crab is holding a letter bubble, move
it left or right to get below the correct word and press enter to launch it. Watch out for
the fish!
A07: Missing Letter Beginner
It’s boating time! Move the boat left and right to collect the letter that’s missing from the
A08: Missing Letter Expert
It’s boating time! Move the boat left and right to collect the letter that’s missing from the
Language Arts
A09 and A10: Word Scramble Beginner and Expert
The birds will show you a word, then they will rearrange themselves, scrambling the word.
Move the birds around to make up the correct word.
A11: Words Learning
Here you can learn new words! Choose a word to see its definition and a matching picture.
A12: Word Match Beginner
It’s test time! A picture will be shown on the screen, select the word that matches it.