The date format is <day-of-the-week>. <month> <day> <year>.
T i m e
The time format is <hour> <Minute> <second> displayed in
24-hour military-time clock. For example, 1 p. m. is displayed
as 13:00:00.
IDE Primary
These categories identify the types of the two channels that
have been installed in the computer.
IDE Secondary
If the controller of the HDD interface is SCSI, the selection shall
be “None”.
Drive A /
This category identifies the types of floppy disk drive A or drive
Drive B
B that has been installed in the computer.
The default setting is EGA/VGA.
Halt on
You can select which type of error will cause the system to halt.
BIOS Setup
Advanced BIOS Features
Advanced BIOS Features
Advanced BIOS Features
Advanced BIOS Features
Advanced BIOS Features
This section allows you to configure your system for basic operation. You have the
opportunity to select the boot-up sequence, keyboard operation, shadowing and security.
The following figure is the details of Advanced BIOS Features.
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Advanced BIOS Features
Virus Warning
Item Help
CPU Internal Cache
External Cache
Menu Level
Quick Power On Self Test
First Boot Device
Allows you to choose
Second Boot Device
the VIRUS warning
Third Boot Device
feature for IDE Hard
Boot Other Device
Disk boot sector
Swap Floppy Drive
protection. If this
Boot Up Floppy Seek
function is enabled
Boot Up NumLock Status
and someone attempt to
Boot Up System Speed
write data into this
Gate A20 Option
area, BIOS will show
Typematic Rate Setting
a warning message on
x Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
screen and alarm beep
x Typematic Delay (Msec)
Security Option
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB [Non-OS2]
Video BIOS Shadow
: Move Enter
: /-/PU/PD : Value F10 : Save ESC : Exit F1 : General Help
F5 : Previous Values
F6 : Fail-Safe Defaults F7 : Optimized Defaults