Using the 32mm trimming blade with the 7 position comb guide (3mm to 15mm) for
trimming head & body hair.
1. To attach the 7 position comb guide, place the comb guide onto the back of the
trimmer, ensuring that the two plastic lugs are aligned correctly over the top
of the trimmer. Push the comb guide down until it clicks into place. The comb
guide is now secured onto the trimmer and the longest cutting length should be
shown – 15mm.
2. The comb guide has 7 length settings, 3mm, 5mm, 7mm, 9mm, 11mm, 13mm and
15mm. The trimming length is manually adjustable. The selected length in mm
is displayed in white at the back of the trimmer. To change the trimming length,
push in the middle section of the comb guide and adjust the comb guide up or
down. Stop at the required cutting length when it is displayed at the back of the
trimmer. The comb guide should then be secured at the selected cutting length.