Electrical connections
© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
VPStudio software
The VPFlowScope M transmitter can be read out and configured with the VPStudio 2.0 software.
This software can be downloaded from
. VPStudio 2.0 is available for
Windows and has been tested on version: XP, 7, 8 and 10,
A quick start is shown below, read the VPStudio 2.0 manual for more information. This manual can
be downloaded from
Connect the VPFlowScope M transmitter to the computer
The VPFlowScope M transmitter can be connected to the computer with USB interface. The
VPSensorCartridge may be connected, it will only show you some basic parameters. Nothing can be
changed here.
Install USB driver
When the transmitter is connected to the computer, please check the driver. The driver might have
been installed automatically. If not, the driver needs to be installed manually. The driver can be found
in the download area on our website
. Instructions on how to
install the driver are enclosed with the driver.
Configure the VPFlowScope M transmitter
Start the VPStudio 2.0 software
The software will recognize the instrument. A device will appear in the left menu bar
Click overview for the basic parameters
Click settings to change the transmitters settings
Click data logger to retrieve recorded data
Firmware update
Upgrading is only possible for authorized technicians, at own risk.
A firmware updater is available in the VPStudio 2.0 software. In the software, click the update button
in the left menu. Select the firmware file provided by VPInstruments. Click the update button.
The VPFlowScope M transmitter will reboot en start updating. VPStudio 2.0 will provide feedback on
succession or failure.