Voxengo Crunchessor User Guide
Copyright © 2004-2018 Aleksey Vaneev
Bright: up to 3dB of gain at 10kHz.
Dark: up to -3dB of gain at 8kHz, up to -3dB of gain at 9kHz.
Lo-Pump: up to 6dB of gain at 64Hz.
Punch: up to 3dB of gain at 5kHz, up to 3dB of gain at 64Hz.
Smooth: up to 3dB of gain at 1kHz, up to -6dB of gain at 10kHz.
Snappy: up to 6dB of gain at 2.2kHz, up to 6dB of gain at 6kHz.
Warm: up to 4dB of gain at 1kHz.
Key Signal Filter
The “Key Filter” switch enables the key signal filtering. When this switch is enabled,
the key signal (be it external side-chain or not) used for compression characteristic
calculation will be internally processed by a filter. Filter options are:
Off: no filtering.
BDrum: low-pass filter which filters everything out above 128 Hz.
HiFreq: filter which increases power of higher frequencies a lot.
HiHat: high-pass filter which filters everything out below 6 kHz.
LoFreq: filter which increases power of lower frequencies a lot.
MidFreq: a wide parametric filter centered around 1 kHz, having 6 dB of gain.
Such emphasis applied on the center of the audible frequency spectrum can be
benefical when one wants to reduce various warbling effects caused by the
extremely powerful transients in the high frequency end. During such
moments the higher frequencies start to “duck” the lower frequencies causing
an unstable “warbling” sound in the lower end. Enabling the Filter is most
useful for wide-band signals like complete mixes.
Snare: band-pass filter with center around 1.5 kHz.
By using the “Mon” switch you may enable filtered key signal monitoring. The “Edit”
button opens the “Key Filter Editor” window where you can precisely adjust the
filtering parameters, and store key filter presets if necessary. The “Key Gain”
parameter contained in the editor adjusts the overall loudness of the key signal. This
parameter can be adjusted if the side-chain signal routed to the compressor is overly
loud or quiet.
The key filter adjusts the strength of compression of frequencies relative to each
other: e.g. if the higher frequencies were boosted by means of key filter, these
frequencies will be compressed stronger than the lower frequencies.
The “In/Ext” switch selects key signal source: Input or External side-chain signal.
The use of the External side-chain signal requires an appropriate Routing setting.
The “Dry Mix” parameter specifies amount of original unprocessed signal being
routed to the output before the final output gain is applied. By increasing this
parameter you may reduce the overall distortion: hence one of the tactics when using
this plug-in can be getting a high distortion amount at first and then adjusting the
“Dry Mix” parameter to achieve a required proportion between the clean and
processed signals. In other terms, this parameter engages “parallel compression”.