Unit is not plugged in. Plug power cord into electrical outlet.
Household circuit breaker/ground fault circuit interrupter has tripped or blown fuse. Reset circuit breaker/
ground fault circuit interrupter, or replace fuse. For assistance, contact licensed electrician.
Unit is damaged or in need of repair. Cease usage and unplug. Contact Consumer Service for assistance.
This is normal. Water is being dispensed into Base.
Water level in Tank is empty or too low. Refill with clean, cool tap water. See HOW TO USE for instructions.
Unit has reached its set point. When set humidity level is reached, the Fan will turn off until humidity level in
room drops below humidity set point.
Airflow is blocked. Remove obstruction.
Unit settings are too low. Set to High Fan Speed and Continuous Humidity for maximum humidity output.
The additional sodium in chemically softened water may cause Wicks to harden. Try using untreated tap water
or distilled water.
Try adding Bacteriostat or Water Treatment, found at most hardware or home specialty stores to the water.
Unit fails to power on.
Unit makes bubbling
or gurgling sound.
Unit is not producing
desired amount
of humidity.
Wicks are in need
of replacement
too often.