increased. Do not immerse the product in water or any other liquid.
This product may only be powered by a battery with a rated voltage of 12 V. It is recommended
to use charged car batteries. Connect the terminal clamps of the power cord keeping the correct
polarity. The terminal clamp marked “+” should be connected to the battery terminal marked “+”.
The terminal clamp marked “-” should be connected to the battery terminal marked “-”.
Caution! The pump is only used to pump engine oil. Pumping other substances is forbid-
den. In particular, do not use the device to pump: fuel (petrol, diesel, liquid gas) or other
fl ammable liquids - risk of explosion; water - no lubrication of the pump; transmission
oil - too high viscosity; brake fl uid - corrosive substance.
Before pumping the oil out, warm it up by starting the vehicle’s engine. It is forbidden to
pump oil while the engine is running.
Do not leave the device unattended when it is connected to the power supply.
Do not overload the power cord. Do not use the power cord to carry the product, connect, or
disconnect the plug from the power socket. Avoid any contact between the power cord and heat
sources, oil, sharp edges, and moving parts. Damage to the power cord increases the risk of an
electric shock. If the power cord is damaged (e.g. it is cut, its insulation is melted), immediately
unplug it from the wall socket, and return it to an authorised service facility. It is not allowed to
use the product with a damaged power cord. It is not allowed to have the power cord repaired.
It must be changed for a new one at an authorised service centre.
Disconnect the power cord from the power socket, before installing, removing, or adjusting any
of the product accessories.
Make sure that the selected accessory has been installed correctly, before starting the product.
Do not overload the product. The temperature of the housing must not exceed 60
C. Overload-
ing the product will accelerate its wear and tear, lead to its damaging, and increase the risk of
an electric shock.
The product must be kept under supervision at all times during operation.
The product is not to be used by children. Keep the product and its power cord out of the reach
of children. It is important to ensure that children do not see the product as a toy.
Children should not be allowed to clean or maintain the product without the supervision of an adult.
Keep the device out of reach of children if it is powered or is cooling down.
Used motor oil must not be reused and must be disposed of in accordance with the local regu-
lations. It is forbidden to pour oil into the sewage system or directly into the ground.
Product assembly
Note! The procedure described in this section must be carried out when the tool is unplugged
from power supply. Make sure that the terminal clamps of the power cord are not connected to
the battery terminals.
The product must be unpacked and all parts of the packaging completely removed. It is rec-
ommended to keep the packaging, as it can be helpful in further transporting and storing of
the product.
Check the product for damage. In the event of any damage being found, do not use the product,
before the damage has been remedied or the damaged components changed for new compo-
nents, free of defects.
The direction of pumping (suction) is indicated on the rating label. Remove the pump inlet and
outlet caps. Attach the larger diameter hose to the pump outlet (II). Secure the connector with
the clamp. Tighten the clamp by turning the screw with a screwdriver only with suffi cient force to