© Vonamic GmbH 2021
Subject to technical modifications
Group Selection
The group selection is divided into four segments of 64 groups per segment (Up to 250 groups).
Clicking on a segment opens the two subsegments of this area which are divided into 32 groups.
selection of a segment opens it up and the respective group checkboxes are accessible. Clicking on
another segment will switch. To close, press X.
A total of 250 groups are available in the VIPCOS system. Each VIPCOS device can be a participant in
all groups, including several at the same time. To determine the group membership, it is sufficient to
activate the corresponding checkbox of the group with a click of the mouse. As soon as you have
finished selecting the affiliation, confirm your entry with the Submit button.
Store / Restore of Config Files
After you have completed the configuration and saved it with
, you can load the configuration
as an encrypted file from the device. You can save this file externally and use it for your archiving. This
means that different configurations can be restored quickly and easily, different configuration statuses
can be archived and failed devices can be easily replaced.
the corresponding setting area is located in the lower part of the web interface. Chapter 3 contains a
description of this function.