Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.
Service Bulletin
Cannot Send or Receive Messages, but No Fault Code
The driver consistently sees the Sending Not Al-
lowed when he tries to send a message (but the
“quick response” still functions). There is no further
indication of a problem to the driver.
The ECU will not log data.
The ECU will still respond to VCADS Pro tests.
Use VCADS Pro to check VIN of Volvo Link ECU
and if it matches the VIN programmed in the other
ECUs on vehicle.
If the VINs do not match, the Volvo Link ECU has
been placed in the wrong vehicle. This means the
ECU has been tampered with: i.e. stolen or improp-
erly moved from one vehicle to another. On key-on,
the Volvo Link ECU checks the vehicle VIN number
by polling the VIN information in two other ECUs on
the data link.
If there is a VIN mismatch in the Volvo Link ECU,
place that ECU back in the vehicle it was pro-
grammed for. If the mismatch is in another ECU,
such as the instrument cluster or engine ECU, re-
program that ECU.
No Response from Vehicle
If the vehicle has stopped responding to the Web’s
request, automatic schedules or never sent the INI mes-
sage, there is a problem with the hardware in the vehicle.
Use the VCADS Pro tool. Go to the Volvo Link sec-
tion and run the Satellite Communications Test. If
there is no response using VCADS then go to Step
2. If the Volvo Link responds then check the follow-
Related fault codes?
Satellite Test: check the message queue in the
Volvo Link ECU. If the queue shows messages
and you have good GPS, then the problem is
with the antennas. Check the satellite number
and strength levels.
NOTE: This could take approx. 15 minutes in
some cases before a satellite is in view.
If no satellites come into view after the 15 min-
utes, check the following (see “Antenna
Checks” page 32 for more on antenna check-
Is the truck inside a building with no satel-
lite reception?
Antenna whips (make sure they are there
and connected)
Rami multiplexer box to Volvo Link cable
Antenna to Rami multiplexer box
Check the Power, Ignition, Ground and fuses in the
TEC center for proper voltage levels. Note: see table
page 29 for instructions.
Check the Power, Ignition and Ground at the Volvo
Link ECU’s 30 way JAE connector for proper voltage
levels. Note: see table page 29 for instructions.
Data link connection: Check the data link pins at the
Volvo Link ECU to make sure they are in the correct
locations. Note: see table page 29 for instructions.