When ac vated, the built-in 5MP camera will take
pictures when the Cardholder is opened. The images are
then sent, free of charge, to your Volterman account.
The camera func on operates in two modes:
Local Mode
Tap the Camera Mode to turn on the camera Local
Mode func on. In this mode, the camera takes photos
every me the wallet is opened. You will receive a
no fica on about new photos. In case of Apple phones
you will be asked to connect to the Volterman Wi-Fi in
order to access the images taken (see the Memory Bank sec on to learn how to connect).
Once connected, you will be taken to the 'Local Photos' folder of your app, where the images
are downloaded and sorted into dated folders. From here, you can view, download images to
your device or delete them.
For Android smartphones, photos will automa cally be downloaded into Local Mode folder.
Lost Mode
This mode is automa cally enabled as soon as the wallet loses its Bluetooth connec on with
your device (usually around 20 metres/65 ). In this case, three photos are taken when the
wallet is first opened. You will be no fied that your wallet was opened and you have new
These photos are sent to your account, where you can view them by clicking the Camera Icon
and choosing the Lost Mode folder.
Please Note
As Lost Mode photos are sent via the built-in SIM card, it can some mes take a few minutes
for the images to be transferred through the various networks to your Volterman account.
All credit has a 90 day dura on.
The default password is - 12345678
Data costs are not set by Volterman and we have no influence over them.
Like with any data device, we recommend that you only use roaming when needed. Some
country data charges are much higher than others, and this could result in your funds
being used more rapidly. Where possible, use a Wi-Fi service instead.
You can connect up to 10 devices to the Hotspot at one me.
Special Bundles (when available) are a more cost effec ve solu on than Standard Tariff.
We recommend that you check periodically to see what bundles are available.
Press the Hotspot Icon to access the Hotspot Menu, where you can ac vate the Wi-Fi
Hotspot. In the Hotspot Menu, you can view and top-up your roaming balance, see the
roaming charges for each country and any special offers currently available.
In order to use the Hotspot func on, you will need to deposit funds into your account. You
can choose between USD, EUR and GBP to deposit, but your credit will be shown in AMD
(Armenian Dram) with an approximate exchange rate.
No other wallet func on is limited if you choose not to use this op on.
By ac va ng the Wi-Fi Hotspot, you can use your Cardholder as an internet Access Point
when travelling around the world.
The direct Wi-Fi connec on between your device and wallet and the Hotspot are not the
same thing. You are not charged for using the Wi-Fi to access your Memory Bank.
Please Note
The Hotspot is offered as an op onal service. Volterman does not profit from its use.
Please Note
This mode does not affect any other part of your phone and
should not be used in place of your device's regular Airplane
Click on the Airplane Mode icon, confirm your choice and the
Volterman app will temporarily suspend all Cardholder
func onality except for the Power Bank, which can be used as
Distance Alarm mode helps to manually ac vate the Cardholder's alarm
by keeping pressed the bell icon for several seconds un l the red line
fully loads. A er you find your Cardholder, simply press the bell icon
again to deac vate the ringing.
You can also ac vate the Distance Alarm by single-pressing the wallet's
Alarm Bu on. Again, you can turn it off by pressing the Alarm Bu on,
or the Bell icon on the app screen.
Long Press - This will turn your Cardholder on, or reboot it if it is already on.
Your Cardholder comes with an Alarm Bu on that performs several func ons:
Click - When connected, this rings your smart device. If the Cardholder is ringing, one click
will turn it off.
Clicks - When connected, this ac vates the Power Bank func on. A red LED light will also
indicate that the Power Bank is on.
Clicks - This will turn your Cardholder off. No func ons are available in this state.
Firmware updates are different. When a new firmware update is available, your Se ngs Icon
will display a red indicator.
Once it has downloaded to your device, the bu on will change to 'INSTALL'. Press it.
Choose the Firmware Update op on and download the file.
You will now be asked to connect to the Volterman Wi-Fi (in the same way as for the
Memory Bank).
Your Volterman wallet is kept up-to-date with the release of regular app
(so ware) and wallet (firmware) updates. App updates are usually automa c
(depending on your device's se ngs) and can be downloaded from the AppStore
or Google Play.
Click on this icon to be taken to the Se ngs Menu.
Navigate to your device's Wi-Fi and choose 'Volterman'. If needed, enter your Wi-Fi
password (the default is 12345678).
Return to the Volterman app and press 'INSTALL' once more. The downloaded file will now
be transferred to your device.
Your app will inform you once the update has been installed, and your Cardholder will
For Android phones, you will not need to connect “Volterman” hotspot because the
installa on process will be done through Wi-Fi Direct.
Press the Se ng Icon to on the
upper right side of the screen to
access the Volterman app side
menu. From here, you can change a
number of different parameters
and set up your app the way you
w a n t i t , c o n t a c t Vo l t e r m a n
Customer Support and much more.
The History Log displays a list
of connec on events including
any errors.
When contac ng us, you may
be asked to send a screenshot
of this screen
Dele ng a Cardholder from your app/account will also delete all
other data, except files saved to your Memory Bank. Delete those
files before removing your Cardholder from the app.
Please Note
This sec on lists all your connected Volterman devices. From here, you
can choose, rename and delete individual items. If you have mul ple
devices added to your account, you will be able to change connected
device from the dashboard as well.
Please Note
Transac ons will be conducted in AMD (Armenian Dram).
Click here to set your preferred default currency. You can choose either USD,
Like with all of your online accounts, we recommend that you change your
Volterman app password regularly. To do so, simply choose this op on and send
yourself a verifica on code. You will need this code to change your Volterman
account password.
Change Account
Like with all of your online accounts, we recommend that you change your Volterman app
password regularly. To do so, simply choose this op on and send yourself a verifica on code.
You will need this code to change your Volterman account password.
You will find a list of Frequently asked
ques ons. If you s ll have ques ons you
can contact us.
You can find Volterman Privacy Policy
We can also be contacted via email:
and on Facebook Messenger: voltermansmartwallet
09:00 - 01:00 Local Time
06:00 - 22:00 BST (DST)
07:00 - 23:00 CET (DST)
01:00 - 17:00 EDT (DST)
22:00 - 14:00 PDT (DST)
Have a ques on? Contact us via the in-app mailer.
We offer Customer Service 16 hours a day/7 days a week:
You can s ll keep your wallet on and operate the Power Bank func ons when
logged out of the Volterman app
Please Note
Go here to log out of the Volterman app.
You can set a PIN code to Volterman app
for security reasons. If your smartphone
supports Fingerprint ID feature, you can
add it as well.
Volterman app supports 2 Modes - Dark
and Light. Dark mode is set as default
and you can switch to Light mode any
me in the Se ngs.